Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 247- College Football is back and so are the JRES germs

Tonight's is going to be very quick b/c I have a feeling I'll be up a bit with Jackson as the motrin wears off. He's been irritable, puking, fevered, and clingy all day. After the tylenol or motrin we get a bit of a break from sick baby Jackson. I was hoping to see the end of the Mountaineer game, but that's not going to happen (and if it does- I'll be sound asleep by the time it does).

Here are some glimpses (one graphic) of our day today. Thank goodness Jackson has lots of Mountaineer clothes!
The morning started OK, but I should have known something was up when he didn't finish his eggs.
I was taking pictures to show how he was getting so picky and wouldn't touch anything but animal crackers
Then he puked up breakfast (at lunch) and showed me why :( Sorry Russell insisted this picture be in tonight's blog.
Mr. Monkey makes even being sick OK
So does emptying your entire toy box
Peeking through the 0 :)
And quite proud of himself for it
Mr. Monkey kept him company all day
One handed playing b/c he had to drink his pedialyte
Figured out how to keep his sippy and play all the instruments
Standing like a big boy to take a drink break
Trying to smile for me
Showing off his WVU click :)

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About This Blog

This blog will document the lives of Jackson, Joe, and Bernie throughout 2011. The purpose of this blog is to learn to celebrate and appreciate something every day. It will also have comments from me about being a new mom, trying to raise a child to appreciate and respect all things in nature.