Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 243- Please vote!!!!

We are so seriously close to winning and I will love you all b/c these are seriously the most awesome diapers! The contest ends at 10-- I'm so nervous!

Ok and here are the pictures for today- not great, but you get a glimpse of the not always smiling little man.

Daring me to do something about him throwing his food (notice he only gets on piece of food at a time- suggestions welcome!)
After I told him no when he threatened to throw his chicken strip (I'm only serving his favorites to try and get him to eat more than he throws)
I'm not going to do it mom!
Oh- it was good!
Yes it takes 3 spoons to feed Jackson. He feeds himself, has one ready, and I prep one- he's nothing if not efficient
Oh Mom, I can't pull the curtains either?
Taking a break to watch the fan w/ Mr. Monkey
beating up his gorilla (which he started to say gorilla today!)
With his favorite stuffed animals!

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About This Blog

This blog will document the lives of Jackson, Joe, and Bernie throughout 2011. The purpose of this blog is to learn to celebrate and appreciate something every day. It will also have comments from me about being a new mom, trying to raise a child to appreciate and respect all things in nature.