I'm only going to say it once b/c I can't read one more facebook status about it, but Jackson survived his first earthquake. Ms. Brenda said he thought it was funny and when it stopped he went around trying to make all of his toys shake again.
Today it was in the forties when I got up- I loved it! Jackson had to break out his 18 month jackets which are still a little big, but did the job. We had a little scare with the baby today, but everything is OK, I just really need to take it easy until the baby makes his/her entrance. I know I can do it, it'll just be hard. I'll follow up with the doctor September 7th when I find out if Jackson's getting a brother or a sister and hopefully the doc will say all is good!
So, since I'm practicing this taking it easy thing and Jackson's asleep, I'm going to watch some TV and get to bed early tonight and not worry about school stuff until 8:00 am tomorrow.
I was busy with Jackson after school today and didn't get any pictures, so all I have are a couple from this morning before we left.
He was smiling at me, but then Super Why started and I lost his attention
Playing with his sesame street car
He loves to push it and chase it, he's not had a successful ride yet- ask the bruise on his face
Off he goes to get Elmo
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