Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13- Another Snow Day

I was able to enjoy another snow day home with Jackson, Joe and Bernie. Russell was home too today- so I have a few pictures for today's post. I've decided that starting tomorrow I'm going to showcase one of Jackson's diapers/brand each day. I'm going to talk about the positives and negatives of each diaper for him. I hope some of the readers will get to see how cool cloth is now and maybe be tempted to give it a try!
Tonight, however, I'd like to give a quick blurb about his amber teething necklace. People have seen pictures of Jackson in a necklace and were shocked that Russell would let his son wear a necklace. But as shocked as you are, that's how much of a believer you should be. The amber is so cool. It means that even though Jackson's teething, I don't have to constantly be giving him teething tablets, orajel, or tylenol. Now, don't get me wrong, some days call for some or all of those, but for the most part he's going through teething OK and med free. Here's a link to learn about the amber. The amber necklace, might I add, is from another Work at home mom- Inspired by Finn.

But, back to the pictures. I've included Jackson buried in the snow by our fence, Jackson with Dad, Jackson, Joe, me and Bernie, and an action shot of Joe and Bernie playing in the snow. Hope you all have a great night!

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About This Blog

This blog will document the lives of Jackson, Joe, and Bernie throughout 2011. The purpose of this blog is to learn to celebrate and appreciate something every day. It will also have comments from me about being a new mom, trying to raise a child to appreciate and respect all things in nature.