Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 273- Fun at the playground

Since today was the warmest it would be all weekend so we headed to the playground. Dad came to join us before helping out a friend so it was a fun family evening. We had fun playing and didn't get a lot of pictures. Then we talked with some friends at school, had a late dinner and bath and now Jackson's in bed and I'm not far behind. I'm really looking forward to the weekend as Forest Festival kicks off and I have a little bit of time to relax and get better.

Jackson loved going down the slide!
1, 2, 3!!
Here he comes!
He still loves being thrown in the air

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 272- sick mama

Jackson was feeling a bit better, but he's still not eating a ton. I was feeling pretty sick last night and since Jackson won't leave me alone if I'm around- I went to bed at 7:00. Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday.
Enjoying some PB&J for lunch
He loves for me to take his picture so he can see it on the camera
Mr. Monster
Bernie barked at him, so he growled at Bernie
Handsome baby

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 271- back with a vengance

Today was a very long day for us. We had a health screen in the morning, our regular day, and then parent teacher conferences. When I picked Jackson up Ms. Brenda told me he was feeling much better, however that changed quickly. We've had many dirty diapers and toward the end of parent teacher conferences Jackson puked all over the two of us. It was super fun walking past tons of parents covered in puke (insert sarcasm). When we got home and showered Jackson seemed to be doing better, but diaper after diaper has proved otherwise. So, since I'm low on sick days and need to save them for maternity leave in January, Jackson and Daddy will have a fun day at home tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be doing much, much better.
Helping me with laundry
Guess who figured out he can open the lid to the trash can
At least he's still smiling

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 270- Feeling Better :)

While he was still cranky and not eating great, Jackson seems to be doing a little better. He's sleeping now and without the hours of fighting that we had last night. But now that all my phone calls are made, dishes are done, and laundry is folded I'm headed to bed. Here are some happy pictures from today.

Presents from mamaw and saba
Checking out his goodies
After 45 minutes of screaming at the fridge for milk- I gave in (we paid for it later)
Silly snorting
Reading me the book

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 269- Bedtime battle

Jackson seemed OK tonight, but wasn't interested in eating. Ms. Brenda said he turned down goldfish today- which is a major clue he isn't feeling well. I tried spaghetti and meatballs, but no luck. Poor kid has had diarrhea all night and could not go to sleep. So 15 books, 1 episode of Super Why, many tears, and one sleepy mama later- Jackson is asleep. I finally got him to crash in bed with me and then could move him to his crib, where ***knock on wood*** he's still asleep. I'm going to make tonight's blog quick b/c I have a feeling it's going to be a long night.

Playing with cookie monster while reading "Let's Eat"
Taking over the dog bed
Spaghetti cheese face
Love this smile
Finally crashed out with a little help from the pregnancy pillow

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 268- Fun in Erie

Today Jackson slept in until nine and then we went to Presque Isle, Sarah's, Wintergreen Cemetary, and Furhman's Cider Mill before headed home. We had a lot of fun visiting all of these places and enjoying Erie's yummy food and drink, but I'm happy to be home and headed to bed soon because I have a long week ahead of me.
Playing in the sand
it's fun to push around
but I can't figure out how to get it off
Trying to shake off the sand
He heard the water and I couldn't keep him out- no matter how cold
we had to strip him down and you would have no clue how chilly that water was
He loved splashing around
Every wave brought a new smile
Then he decided to dig in the sand
Visiting my Dad's gravesite
Jackson liked the engraving
It's pretty here mama!
Hanging out at the cider mill
Awesome car rider :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 267- Party animal

Jackson and I had an awesome time at the zoo. He loved the tiger and the leopard, but was terrified of the gorilla and orangutan. It was pretty cool because the tiger stopped and growled at him for a few minutes and he talked right back- made for some great pictures. He also rode the train and loved it. I wish we lived closer to a zoo because it was a great time.

During the wedding Jackson and I hung out outside because he liked the fact that his voice echoed in the church- not a fun thing to discover during a wedding. At the reception he went and went and went and then dramatically told me it was time to go home by crawling into the middle of the walkway and laying flat, occasionally waving bye. I guess it's better than crying and throwing a fit. We had an awesome time and it was nice to see some old friends, though Jackson prevented me from visiting with them too much.
Hello, Mr. Tiger
You looking at me?
Yeah- I'll win the stare down- I'm a honey badger
Checking out the leopard
Hey, where did it go?
Watching the meercats
The closest I could get him to standing alone with the gorilla (which I don't get b/c it's one of his favorite stuffed animals)
Playing in the children's zoo
Enjoying the train ride
Trains are fun mama!
All worn out from the zoo and coming home with his new friend (and even if Russell doesn't believe it- he asked for this by name)
Please let me in!
Walking away from the church
Climbing the stairs
Relaxing during the reception
Cheese :)
Running off for the millionth time
I'm done for mama
He laid like this for a few minutes, with the occasional wave or clap
Too tired to watch the game

About This Blog

This blog will document the lives of Jackson, Joe, and Bernie throughout 2011. The purpose of this blog is to learn to celebrate and appreciate something every day. It will also have comments from me about being a new mom, trying to raise a child to appreciate and respect all things in nature.