Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 151- it's so HOT (I love it!)

I'm so loving this weather and cannot wait until summer. 6 more days with kids- 8 more days total! After Jackson's night from Hell with teething last night, I hated to wake him this morning (and I hated to get up!) I did get a couple of pictures of him in his wool shorties. I LOVE them. For wool they were pretty cheap and they make fabulous PJs that he can wear every night. I have one more pair on the way so that I can rotate the shorties throughout the summer as I wash and lanolize them.

He came home and took a great nap, I had to wake him up then too. Tomorrow his 1 year old friend will be at Ms. Brenda's so I know he won't nap much and will be sleepy then too. Since his teething is so bad right now, he's not drinking much milk- but man is he eating. For dinner he had some veggies, an entire tilapia fillet, and 2 big pieces of watermelon. It was straight from the fridge and must have been heaven on his gums b/c he did not want to put it down.

After that he was a drooly, sticky mess- but a cute and happy one at that. He went down easy and has been asleep for an hour. He didn't drink much so I'm sure I'll be up around 2 to feed him, but if that's it- I can handle it.

Here are my favorite pictures from today:
Sleeping baby :)
showing off his big muscles that pull all toys and apparatuses to him so he doesn't have to crawl
sticky, drooly mess
Happy kid- best thing about this diaper= above the train it says "chew chew" totally made for Jackson and why I got it for $5 (but hey- it works!)
yeah- he dragged that whole toy to him... someday he'll realize it's easier for him to move himself instead of the entire room

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 150- happy Memorial Day

It's so fun to bang things on my head?
must taste everything (yes teething monster is arriving)
a little more head banging
Why crawl when I can reach and drag everything to me?
"swimming" in his pool
playing with toys while we plant the garden
it makes noise- how awesome
what else is in my basket?
look at that drool- it's been 15 minutes sans bib
I want the camera mom
first strawberry of the season- now you know I love him
big bite
not quite what he expected
mom- it's sour! but he still asked for more
this is late b/c he screamed after our walk until 10:00 b/c of teething- finally the orajel put him to sleep :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 149- rough start, good end

I'm starting to see some major teething signs again. Poor Jackson looks like a salivating Saint Bernard. He started out miserable, but a teething strip and a banana came to the rescue. Russell was over at a friends helping clear trees from the storm, so Jackson and I had the day to play. He played in his pool a little. Then we went over and had dinner with some family friends. Jackson loved their dog (maybe even more than ours!) and was in a great mood.
Good morning sunshine
thank goodness for that thumb
apparently giving yourself a bloody nose is s0 funny he had to do it 2 days in a row- yeah my kid's a winner
Just chillin' with his bottle
Just got out of the pool- he's too cool for his hat, so now he has sunscreen hair
showing off his cool 'do
mmmm Joe's dinner looks tasty- can't wait until I can walk and steal it from him

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 148- bloody mess

We had a pretty good day today. Jackson had a great time at Katie's bridal shower, he and I got an afternoon nap, and then we went and got plants to start our garden tomorrow.
Enjoying his morning nap in the greenline diaper that I won
His first lollipop (don't worry- it's organic fruit and more like a gummy)
He gave himself a bloody nose- he inherited this from me, poor kid
Goofy kid
So proud of himself (and yes he's teething, but he tears off all his bibs so he just has a permanently wet shirt)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 147- 3 day weekend :)

Loves his new diapers :)

And his presents from his August mom and baby friends
Trying to find some love for this beautiful winter hat mom won him
Hanging out with Dad enjoying the nice weather
I'm so glad his favorite toy is his foot, I hope he doesn't lose it!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 146- tastes of summer

While I don't have a lot of pictures from tonight, it was a very productive night. I got grocery shopping done, the lawn mowed, dinner made, blog caught up. After this I'm going to do the diapers and get Jackson packed up for tomorrow. Tonight Jackson got his first big boy piece of watermelon and did great! He was pretty sleepy b/c he skipped his evening nap, but he ate 2 pieces and some crab.

About This Blog

This blog will document the lives of Jackson, Joe, and Bernie throughout 2011. The purpose of this blog is to learn to celebrate and appreciate something every day. It will also have comments from me about being a new mom, trying to raise a child to appreciate and respect all things in nature.