Friday, December 31, 2010

Quick Video

Here's a short video of my boy and his dog.  Jackson just loves Joe Dog and Joe is learning to tolerate Jackson.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

One Year Ago Today

It's amazing the difference a year makes.  One year ago today I had my first prenatal appointment.  Due to some bleeding I was rushed over for an ultrasound.  A very patient ultrasound tech waited for Russell to come over from Stonewall Jackson.  I got to hear Jackson's heartbeat for the first time.  So for my first photo posting (though the challenge doesn't start for a couple more days) I am posting the amazing difference a year makes with a picture of the ultrasound and my 15 lb 3oz baby boy one year later. 
Here is Jackson- His head is to the left of the arrow, he is the size of a lima bean

                            One year later 15 lbs 3 oz practicing sitting on his own, full of giggles and smiles!

This really puts what a miracle it is into perspective for me.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Looking Back

2010 was a HUGE year in our household.  The main reason being that we were blessed with Jackson.  I found myself often wishing time away.  I couldn't wait for 2nd trimester to end my evening sickness, I couldn't wait for 3rd trimester to have a viable baby, I couldn't wait to have Jackson so I could see him and hold him, then I couldn't wait for milestones.    While each milestone was exciting, I found myself each day looking for a new one, not appreciating Joe looking like a puppy when the first snow fell, the first time Joe went up to Jackson, the value of a good walk with both dogs and baby, how nice it felt to have a clean house.  My life became consumed with never ending to do lists and I am attempting to change that this year.  I want to value every smile, giggle, and even a fussy evening working on a new tooth.  I hope to use this blog to chronicle what life for a new mom can be like in today's world.  I am trying to raise Jackson with an appreciation of the earth and all of its creatures.  So far in this quest it means buying things from work at home moms (WAHM) rather than Walmart (when possible), environmentally friendly toys, cloth diapers and wipes, respect for animals (especially Joe and Bernie), we'll be gardening and making our own baby food and using natural remedies for everyday ailments.
I hope that as you follow this blog you will learn about great WAHM stores, simple ways to green your house, how to let babies and pets live together harmoniously, and see with our pictures the importance of finding something to appreciate everyday.
I also hope that you will share with me your tips, bargains, favorite stores, and your favorite moments of the day.
Here's to a great 2011 for everyone!

About This Blog

This blog will document the lives of Jackson, Joe, and Bernie throughout 2011. The purpose of this blog is to learn to celebrate and appreciate something every day. It will also have comments from me about being a new mom, trying to raise a child to appreciate and respect all things in nature.